BioPharm International: Achieving High Yields in Upstream Processing of Plasmids

March 23 | 2023

We are pleased to have this cover story

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In this study, the structural differences of the USP mAbs are characterized using Circular Dichroism (CD) and Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy across three instrument platforms in a multi-laboratory study.
Published on: March 2, 2023
Cynthia A. Challener
BioPharm International, BioPharm International, March 2023, Volume 36, Issue 03
Pages: 10–13, 36
“We have developed strategies that keep productivity high without having to rely on antibiotics while controlling for the maintenance of critical sequence structures in the product (e.g., ITR sequences for productive adeno-associated virus [AAV] manufacturing or polyA tracks for mRNA manufacturing).” Dr Ram Shankar, Head of R&D PlasmidFactory GmbH

We have developed strategies that keep productivity high without having to rely on antibiotics while controlling for the maintenance of critical sequence structures in the product

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  • Manufacturing of customized plasmid DNA
  • Manufacturing of customized minicircle DNA
  • In-Stock products for AAV production
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  • Customized DNA
  • AAV plasmids und minicircles
  • reporter gene plasmids and minicircles
  • pEPito plasmids
  • Molecular Size Markers
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Useful background information

The most important terms relating to minicircle DNA and plasmids explained in detail. Useful background information for smooth communication.

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